Biography - Video: Artist's Statement
1957 born in Moenchengladbach, Germany
1992/93 studied art at the Züricher Kunstschule (HGK)
1993/94 creating the series „African Rock Painting and Modern Technology“
1995 Working in Namibia/Africa, Exhibition in Windhoek
since 1996 freelance artist
1997 creating the series "White Strangers" and dealing intensively
with the poetry of Pablo Neruda i.e. translating his ideas into paintings
1998 creating the series „The urbanized Woman“
2000 founded the Online-Shop bild-art.de
2001 cooperation with the Dutch poet Josee Huempel-Langen, creating "poetical
2001 works at collage
2002/03 further expanding of the "White Strangers“ issue.
2003 exploring the third dimension: Human Animal-like figures
2004 Creating a series on human cloning
2005 further advancing the series "White Strangers"
2005 First sculptures from the "White Strangers" series
2005 Paintings for the theatre drama "Blueprint"
2005 - 2007 Working at the "Global Citizen Project"
2006 Artist in Gallery - Gallery arstudio Knokke, Belgium
2007-2008 The cycle "The Epigonians"
2008 Member of the BBK Aachen / Euregio
2008 Installation "Global
Warming Project"
2008 Life size figures from newsprint for the debut performance of the oratorio
Zilverstad (Srebenica)
by Miro Dobrowolny
2008 Location shots with life size figures for a virtual stage setting
2008 Installation in the City-Church MG as part of the oratorio "Zilverstad"
2009 Cooperating and
exhibiting at the Zagreb Music Biennale
2010 Co-Editor of DER OBSIDIAN, a journal of art and literature
2011 Creating "Schnabelmenschen" - another group of sculptures made of newspapers
2012 - 2013 New series of sculptures: "Visionary Beings" and "Neurological Phenomenons"
2014 Creating a series of sculptures "Save me? - Collages "Weltschmerz" and sculptures paper heads
2015 - 2016 New paintings: "Meine heile Welt"
- Collage, mixed media, black canvas.
2017 Series of non objective collages
Bibliography / References
- Global Citizen ART Project, B. Kühlen Verlag, ISBN 978-3-87448-291-2 /2005
- Bildband "Borderliner"
- Kunst und Theologie im Dialog / Menschsein im Zeitalter der Gentechnik,
Dr. Heike Knops, ISBN- 978-3928441605 - Katalog 4 roses Gallery, Sint Truiden, Belgiun
- Katalog Galerie arstudio, Knokke, Belgiun
- Katalog lineart International Art Exhibition Gent, 2005,2006
- Vernissage, Kunstmagazin
- Katalog Sammlung Essers Ei und Werk
- Katalog Korschenbroicher Kunstfruehling 2005,2006,2007